General information


Number of players: 2 players
Board: 8x8, 64 fields.
Number of white pieces: 16 pcs.
Number of black figures: 16 pcs.
Total figures: 32 pcs.
The first move: the one who first sat at the table
Purpose of the game: Setting the mat to the "king" of the enemy

Variety of figures:

  • Pawns - each player has 8 pcs.
  • Rooks - each player has 2 pcs.
  • Horses - each player has 2 pcs.
  • Elephants - each player has 2 pcs.
  • Queen - each player has 1 pc.
  • King - each player has 1 pc.


Each table has its own settings:

  1. The size of the bet: 0 $ - the game is free, from $ 0.01 - the game is paid
  2. Accessibility of the table: "Public game" or "Private game" with a password.
  3. Time of travel (timeout): 30, 60, 90 seconds

Figure moves:

King - with the exception of castling, moves from his field to one of the free nearest fields, which is not under attack by the opponent's pieces.

Queen - goes on the verticals, diagonals and horizontals on which it is located.

Rook - walks along the verticals and horizontals on which it is located.

Bishop - walks on the diagonals on which it is located.

Knight - the course of knight consists of two displacements: one field along the vertical or a horizontal line, then moving away from the original field by one field along the diagonal.

For a simpler representation, its course resembles the letter "G" or the Latin "L". The horse can jump over the figures standing in its path, namely on the cells of the leg of the imaginary letter G / L.

Pawns - move one field only forward, except for the capture. Starting position pawn can go either in one or two cells. A pawn can take any figure of an opponent, which is located in front of it on one cell diagonally. If the pawn makes the first move immediately to two cells and after the turn is in the same horizontal line next to the opponent's pawn, then it can be taken by this pawn; then the latter moves to the field through which the knocked pawn has passed. This capture is called "Taking on the Passage". It can be implemented only right after the opponent has made such a move. Any pawn that reaches the opposite horizontally must be replaced by the same move on the queen, rook, elephant or horse of the same color as the pawn.